umn ministry

new american standard bible

2 minute read

new american standard bible

 The New American Standard Bible (NASB) is an English translation of the Bible originally published in 1971 and updated in 1995. Here are some key things to know about the NASB:

1. Word-for-word translation: The NASB seeks to provide a literal, word-for-word translation from the original Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek texts. This makes it one of the most accurate and reliable translations available.
2. Readability: While literal, the NASB translators aimed for clarity and literary excellence. The result is a translation that is more readable than older literal translations like the King James Version.

3. Formal equivalency: The NASB is a formal equivalency translation, focusing on literal accuracy over dynamic equivalency or paraphrased translations. This makes it useful for in-depth Bible study.
4. Updated language: The 1995 update replaced archaic words and phrases with more modern English, improving readability. But it remains more formal than translations like the NIV.

5. Use of textual variants: The NASB translators included notes on variant manuscript readings, allowing readers to be aware of other possible translations.
In summary, the NASB offers an excellent balance between literal translation technique and readability. Many preachers, teachers, and serious students rely on it as their translation of choice for in-depth Bible study.

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May 26, 2025